SLEs success stories: Galway Students Win Ocean Champion Award for Inspiring “Waves of Positivity” Campaign
As the SLEs project delves into its final year, successful testimonials from our learning ecologies keep on coming. A 6th class from St. Nicholas’ Parochial School in Galway, Ireland, has made waves with their inspiring Positivity Campaign, which recently won the Explorers Education Programme’s prestigious Ocean Champion Award.
OStogether Newsletter #21
In the latest issue of the OStogether Newsletter discover key milestones, resources, and upcoming events that showcase the impact and future of Open Schooling.
Workshop Recap: Entering the mature phase in the Italian SLEs
On 30th October, APRE hosted its second facilitation and monitoring workshop, bringing together the Italian SLEs pilot initiators and stakeholders.
Watch the second SLES video
Have a look at the second STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) video on YouTube. Discover how our project partners implemented the SLEs on the ground.
Connecting Educators: Key Insights from SLEs 1st Community Gathering
On October 2, 2024, SLEs hosted its first online Community Gathering. The event brought together a dynamic group of educators, researchers, and community leaders and involving 67 participants, reflecting on the progress achieved by SLEs project so far and exploring the value a well-structured learning ecology can bring to local communities.
Key Insights from SLEs 2nd Policy Learning Session
On September 24, 2024, SLEs hosted its second Policy Learning Session. The event brought together educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss “Good Practices and Recommendations for Open Schooling and STE(A)M.”
Kick-off and capacity building webinar for SLEs new pilot projects in Italy
On 24th of July, APRE, national coordinator and partner of the SLEs project officially kicked off the mature phase of the pilot implementation in Italy.
Join SLEs first community gathering!
This October, we will organise an online community-gathering that focuses on highlights from the piloting phase and sparks interest for potential collaborations!
Join our 2nd SLEs Policy Learning Session
This September, we will organise a session focusing on Good Practices and Recommendations for Open Schooling and STE(A)M.
The Toolkit from the Romanian SLEs Pilot ‘STEAMing Up with Nature’s Wonders’
Have a look at this interesting Learning Artifact from the Romanian SLE Pilot! Engage students with compelling activities on nature and biodiversity conservation!
Environment and natural parks: interview with the school teacher
The Romanian pilot SLE aimed to address the growing disconnection from the natural world among children. Read the interview!
STEM Learning and New Technologies – the Interaction Design and Children Conference 2024 Workshop
NTNU contributed to recent workshop focused on enhancing STEM education through technology
Success and challenges for future policy recommendations and upscaling: the SLEs 3rd Reflection Workshop
The consortium discussed successes and challenges of the piloting phase, focusing on the policy aspect and next steps for upscaling.
Results of the pilot SLEs in Italy on circular bioeconomy and environmental sustainability 2023-2024
The Italian SLEs pilot fosters skills through hands-on learning in circular bioeconomy and sustainability, empowering youth and promoting teamwork.
Psychophysical health and wellbeing in a school: interview with school teacher
The Serbian pilot SLE aimed to raise awareness of the importance of psychophysical health and wellbeing. Read the interview!
OStogether newsletter #20
Discover the SLEs Portfolio, the Road-STEAMer new infographic and map, the LEVERS Policy Brief, and stories from Serbia, Malta, and Belgium. This and much more!
NTNU and the Customer Driven Learning Ecology: bridging gaps between theory and practice
The Norwegian Pilot SLE aimed to integrate academic learning for university students with “contracts” for a real-world customer!
Innovative ways to learn about earthquakes: interview with initiator
The Greek pilot SLE aimed to investigate the phenomenon of earthquakes with compelling hands-on activities. Read the interview!
The 2024 Ecsite Annual Conference hosted an Open Schooling Together session!
During the 2024 Ecsite Annual Conference, a group of projects from the OStogether network hosted a session on the potential of open schooling.
The GIRLS4STEM Summer Camp: interview with a mentor
The Maltese pilot SLE aimed to address gender stereotypes and imbalances in the STEM sector through a summer camp. Read the interview!
SLEs Portfolio: Real-Life Stories from the Ground Across 13 Countries!
Have a look at our collection of STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs) across 13 countries! Learn what we are doing, get inspired, and design your own SLE!
Ecology, AI, and e-books: interview with the school teacher
The Slovak pilot SLE aimed to raise awareness about the conservation of endangered species of the High Tatras mountains. Read the interview!
Sustainable energy for the future: interview with university student assistant
The German pilot SLE aimed to create collaborative activities on the development and use of renewable energies. Read the interview!
CPN and Gymnasium “Patriarch Pavle”: through the learning ecology to the school gym
Together with the Patriarch Pavle, former school students, a sports centre, and guest lecturers, the Centre for the Promotion of Science designed an SLE on psychophysical health and wellbeing!
Software engineering in real-life situations: interview with the course teacher
The Norwegian pilot SLE aimed to bridge the gap between software development theory taught at university and the need for practical experience. Read the interview!
Circular Bioeconomy: interview with researcher
The Pilot STE(A)M Learning Ecology in Italy developed knowledge, critical and creative thinking on circular bioeconomy and environmental sustainability. Read our interview with ENEA!
Have a look at the CORDIS’ article featuring the Irish SLE Pilot!
The CORDIS portal editorial team published a News article on SLEs! Take a look!
Watch the first STE(A)M Learning Ecologies video
Have a look at the first STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) video on YouTube. Join a journey into the realm of open schooling, living labs and non-formal and informal education pathways!
SLEs Policy Digest #1: Open Schooling challenges and policy recommendations
Get inspired and read our first policy digest outlining initial project fundings. Learn more about challenges of open schooling and how to address them!
Insights from the SLEs Second reflection workshop
The SLEs project held its second reflection workshop. An opportunity to bring together all the actors engaged in the piloting of a STE(A)M Learning Ecology to exchange experiences and plan for the upcoming scale-up phase.
Empowering educators: Designing SLEs at the Future Classroom Lab
23 teachers motivated to improve their teaching practices attended a workshop organised by the SLEs team. The event was part of a week-long course organised by European Schoolnet and held at the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) in Brussels.
Exploring Ecological Beaches: On-Field Activity with ISPRA
Last month, middle school students in Italy participated in an outdoor educative day at the Long Term Ecological Research Station ‘Torre Flavia’ (Rome).
How does a STE(A)M Learning Ecology look like? Our first infographic!
Our first project infographic captures the innovative essence of a STE(A)M Learning Ecology intended as the physical, social, and cultural context in which learning takes place – connecting different typologies of actors.
Brain science and arts: interview with library acting manager
At the end of the SLE Pilot in Ireland, we had the privilege of interviewing Lisa Martyn, one the Ballybane Library staff, and her perspective on the Ecology!
OStogether newsletter #18
Discover the OTTER project results following the end of activities, stories from SLEs, OTTER, and MULTIPLIERS from Ireland, Spain, and Sweden, and Insights from the SLEs and RoadSTEAMer events in January. This and much more!
The Scientix TV Episode 18 Is Out!
Take a look at the 18th episode of Scientix TV – presenting the STE(A)M Learning Ecologies International Community, and exploring the 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign!
Human brain and mosaics: the SLE Pilot in Ireland
In cooperation with the Ballybane Community Library and a local artist, CURAM initiated a brilliant SLE combining the creation of mosaics and the investigation of the human brain!
Join Scientix STEM Discovery Campaign 2024!
Scientix STEM Discovery Campaign 2024 invites educators, projects, organisations, libraries, schools, universities and all interested stakeholders across Europe and beyond to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of STEM. Submit your activity now!
SLEs Policy Dialogue Event: Bring research and innovation to school and beyond
The first SLEs Policy Dialogue event took place on the 24th of January 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels and represented an important milestone for the SLEs project, providing a space for interconnections, sharing and discussion between high level EU representatives and field practitioners.
Creating audiovisuals with AI: interview with education expert
In December 2023, Domus organised a co-creation workshop to discuss possible Ecologies to pilot in 2024. Read the interview from one of Domus’ stakeholders!
SL2E International Summer School 2024
Register to the SL2E International Summer School 2024 – providing insights into concepts, methods, practices, and policies regarding the intersection of STEAM Learning Ecologies, open schooling, living labs, and out-of-school science learning!
OStogether newsletter #17
Explore the SLEs Policy Event and the first Policy Brief! Read Open Schooling stories from Cyprus, the UK, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and beyond!
STEAM Learning Ecologies – Policy Dialogue Event in Brussels
On 24 January 2024, SLEs will hold a Policy Dialogue Event in Brussels. The event will bring together policymakers and experts to evaluate the recent policy initiatives on science education, discuss open schooling approaches, and validate our first Policy Brief!
The co-creation workshop in Norway: insights into the Customer Driven Project
Learn more about the co-creation workshop organised in Norway, and the idea to kick-start the Customer Driven Project course – a collaboration between academia and enterprises!
SLEs pilot project in Italy with ENEA and FAO
Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE) officially kick-off started the SLEs Pilot Project in Italy, and co-developed and implemented a learning pathway on environmental sustainability and active citizenship by involving different stakeholders.
Monitoring the butterflies’ ecosystem: interview with lead teacher
Have a look at the interview of the projects’ lead professor.
STEAM Learning Ecologies presented at the 16th ICERI Conference in Spain
The Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) participated in the ICERI Conference from November 13 to 15 2023 in Sevilla, Spain.
OStogether newsletter #16
Explore the new Road-STEAMer items, the Open Schooling Policy Brief, and Open Schooling stories shared from Malta, Germany, Greece, Poland!
The SLEs vision at ECOMONDO: Insights into the ‘Future Froof Skills’ Conference
We presented the SLEs vision and approach at ECOMONDO – within the “Future proof skills” Conference held in Rimini, Italy.
The first year of the STEAM Learning Ecologies Project – Laying Down the Foundation
The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) Project has made great strides in bringing open schooling to various audiences since its inception in January 2023.
Explore the co-creation workshop for Pedagogical Co-design in Cyprus
The University of Cyprus (UCY) organized the SLEs co-creation workshop (held virtually) to discuss effective pedagogical design in SLEs, underline the importance of learning resources, and present a prototype SLE.
EUN conducts its first SLEs Facilitation workshop for the pilot cycle
EUN held an online SLEs Pilot Facilitation workshop to provide participants a deeper understanding of open schooling and SLEs project.
OStogether newsletter #15
Discover recent open schooling stories from Greece, Spain, Israel! Learn more about the Make it Open Toolkit!
OStogether newsletter #14
Read the OSTogether Newsletter on new Open Schooling activities & stories shared from the ground in Sweden and Cyprus!
OStogether newsletter #13
Read the OSTogether Newsletter on evaluation by MOST, the policy event “Innovating European Education:”. Register to the SLEs first co-creation workshop!
Exploring STEAM Learning Ecologies: Highlights from the CONNECT Open Schooling Conference
The CICOS 2023 was very successful in spreading open schooling practices, enhancing education quality, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, and fostering global collaboration.
The co-creation workshop in Greece: brainstorming ideas for learning ecologies and potential challenges
On 11 July 2023, Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) organised the first SLEs co-creation workshop in Greece – held as part of the SALL Summer School 2023. Participants discussed ideas for creating Learning Ecologies, and challenges that could occur!
The first co-creation workshop in Italy: outcomes of the discussions
Learn more about the discussions of the first co-creation workshop in Italy – including the concept of open schooling and some examples in Italy, the STEAM approach and its implementation challenges, and co-design of new Learning Ecologies.
Read more about our first co-creation workshop in Italy!
On the 20th of June 2023, we will hold the first SLEs co-creation workshop in Italy (Rome) to discuss STEAM learning through the creation of local partnerships. You are encouraged to participate!
The SEER, SLEs and NBS Conduct a Workshop at The School Innovation Forum
The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies, together with other two projects on STE(A)M education, organised a workshop at the School Innovation Forum event
The Scientix TV Episode 11 is out!
Take a look at the 11th episode of Scientix TV – showing short videos of teachers participating in workshops in the Future Classroom Lab regarding a high variety of topics!
The SLEs Conducts an Online Workshop for the Careers Advisers Network
We conducted an online workshop for teachers as part of the Career Advisers Network: STEM Careers Network event at EUN!
The SLEs Conducts Workshops for Teachers at the Future Classroom Lab
Discover the workshops for teachers at the Future Classroom Lab at in the EUN office, where teachers designed open schooling environments!
OStogether newsletter #12
Read the OSTogether Newsletter on new Open Schooling projects & stories shared from the ground in Germany and Sweden. Explore the INCREASE-TRAIL Map & CICOS 2023 conference in Barcelona
The SLEs Organises a Focus Group Discussion with Ministries of Education
EUN held a workshop with several Ministries of Education to discuss existing open schooling policies, challenges, and opportunities!
STEAM learning Ecologies project kicks off
January saw the start of our STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs), a 3-year EU- funded (Horizon) initiative. The project partners met in Brussels to set an action plan.
SLEs success stories: Galway Students Win Ocean Champion Award for Inspiring “Waves of Positivity” Campaign
As the SLEs project delves into its final year, successful testimonials from our learning ecologies keep on coming. A 6th class from St. Nicholas’ Parochial School in Galway, Ireland, has made waves with their inspiring Positivity Campaign, which recently won the Explorers Education Programme’s prestigious Ocean Champion Award.
OStogether Newsletter #21
In the latest issue of the OStogether Newsletter discover key milestones, resources, and upcoming events that showcase the impact and future of Open Schooling.
Workshop Recap: Entering the mature phase in the Italian SLEs
On 30th October, APRE hosted its second facilitation and monitoring workshop, bringing together the Italian SLEs pilot initiators and stakeholders.
Watch the second SLES video
Have a look at the second STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) video on YouTube. Discover how our project partners implemented the SLEs on the ground.
Connecting Educators: Key Insights from SLEs 1st Community Gathering
On October 2, 2024, SLEs hosted its first online Community Gathering. The event brought together a dynamic group of educators, researchers, and community leaders and involving 67 participants, reflecting on the progress achieved by SLEs project so far and exploring the value a well-structured learning ecology can bring to local communities.
Key Insights from SLEs 2nd Policy Learning Session
On September 24, 2024, SLEs hosted its second Policy Learning Session. The event brought together educators, policymakers, and other stakeholders to discuss “Good Practices and Recommendations for Open Schooling and STE(A)M.”
Kick-off and capacity building webinar for SLEs new pilot projects in Italy
On 24th of July, APRE, national coordinator and partner of the SLEs project officially kicked off the mature phase of the pilot implementation in Italy.
Join SLEs first community gathering!
This October, we will organise an online community-gathering that focuses on highlights from the piloting phase and sparks interest for potential collaborations!
Join our 2nd SLEs Policy Learning Session
This September, we will organise a session focusing on Good Practices and Recommendations for Open Schooling and STE(A)M.
The Toolkit from the Romanian SLEs Pilot ‘STEAMing Up with Nature’s Wonders’
Have a look at this interesting Learning Artifact from the Romanian SLE Pilot! Engage students with compelling activities on nature and biodiversity conservation!
Environment and natural parks: interview with the school teacher
The Romanian pilot SLE aimed to address the growing disconnection from the natural world among children. Read the interview!
STEM Learning and New Technologies – the Interaction Design and Children Conference 2024 Workshop
NTNU contributed to recent workshop focused on enhancing STEM education through technology
Success and challenges for future policy recommendations and upscaling: the SLEs 3rd Reflection Workshop
The consortium discussed successes and challenges of the piloting phase, focusing on the policy aspect and next steps for upscaling.
Results of the pilot SLEs in Italy on circular bioeconomy and environmental sustainability 2023-2024
The Italian SLEs pilot fosters skills through hands-on learning in circular bioeconomy and sustainability, empowering youth and promoting teamwork.
Psychophysical health and wellbeing in a school: interview with school teacher
The Serbian pilot SLE aimed to raise awareness of the importance of psychophysical health and wellbeing. Read the interview!
OStogether newsletter #20
Discover the SLEs Portfolio, the Road-STEAMer new infographic and map, the LEVERS Policy Brief, and stories from Serbia, Malta, and Belgium. This and much more!
NTNU and the Customer Driven Learning Ecology: bridging gaps between theory and practice
The Norwegian Pilot SLE aimed to integrate academic learning for university students with “contracts” for a real-world customer!
Innovative ways to learn about earthquakes: interview with initiator
The Greek pilot SLE aimed to investigate the phenomenon of earthquakes with compelling hands-on activities. Read the interview!
The 2024 Ecsite Annual Conference hosted an Open Schooling Together session!
During the 2024 Ecsite Annual Conference, a group of projects from the OStogether network hosted a session on the potential of open schooling.
The GIRLS4STEM Summer Camp: interview with a mentor
The Maltese pilot SLE aimed to address gender stereotypes and imbalances in the STEM sector through a summer camp. Read the interview!
SLEs Portfolio: Real-Life Stories from the Ground Across 13 Countries!
Have a look at our collection of STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs) across 13 countries! Learn what we are doing, get inspired, and design your own SLE!
Ecology, AI, and e-books: interview with the school teacher
The Slovak pilot SLE aimed to raise awareness about the conservation of endangered species of the High Tatras mountains. Read the interview!
Sustainable energy for the future: interview with university student assistant
The German pilot SLE aimed to create collaborative activities on the development and use of renewable energies. Read the interview!
CPN and Gymnasium “Patriarch Pavle”: through the learning ecology to the school gym
Together with the Patriarch Pavle, former school students, a sports centre, and guest lecturers, the Centre for the Promotion of Science designed an SLE on psychophysical health and wellbeing!
Software engineering in real-life situations: interview with the course teacher
The Norwegian pilot SLE aimed to bridge the gap between software development theory taught at university and the need for practical experience. Read the interview!
Circular Bioeconomy: interview with researcher
The Pilot STE(A)M Learning Ecology in Italy developed knowledge, critical and creative thinking on circular bioeconomy and environmental sustainability. Read our interview with ENEA!
Have a look at the CORDIS’ article featuring the Irish SLE Pilot!
The CORDIS portal editorial team published a News article on SLEs! Take a look!
Watch the first STE(A)M Learning Ecologies video
Have a look at the first STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) video on YouTube. Join a journey into the realm of open schooling, living labs and non-formal and informal education pathways!
SLEs Policy Digest #1: Open Schooling challenges and policy recommendations
Get inspired and read our first policy digest outlining initial project fundings. Learn more about challenges of open schooling and how to address them!
Insights from the SLEs Second reflection workshop
The SLEs project held its second reflection workshop. An opportunity to bring together all the actors engaged in the piloting of a STE(A)M Learning Ecology to exchange experiences and plan for the upcoming scale-up phase.
Empowering educators: Designing SLEs at the Future Classroom Lab
23 teachers motivated to improve their teaching practices attended a workshop organised by the SLEs team. The event was part of a week-long course organised by European Schoolnet and held at the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) in Brussels.
Exploring Ecological Beaches: On-Field Activity with ISPRA
Last month, middle school students in Italy participated in an outdoor educative day at the Long Term Ecological Research Station ‘Torre Flavia’ (Rome).
How does a STE(A)M Learning Ecology look like? Our first infographic!
Our first project infographic captures the innovative essence of a STE(A)M Learning Ecology intended as the physical, social, and cultural context in which learning takes place – connecting different typologies of actors.
Brain science and arts: interview with library acting manager
At the end of the SLE Pilot in Ireland, we had the privilege of interviewing Lisa Martyn, one the Ballybane Library staff, and her perspective on the Ecology!
OStogether newsletter #18
Discover the OTTER project results following the end of activities, stories from SLEs, OTTER, and MULTIPLIERS from Ireland, Spain, and Sweden, and Insights from the SLEs and RoadSTEAMer events in January. This and much more!
The Scientix TV Episode 18 Is Out!
Take a look at the 18th episode of Scientix TV – presenting the STE(A)M Learning Ecologies International Community, and exploring the 2024 STEM Discovery Campaign!
Human brain and mosaics: the SLE Pilot in Ireland
In cooperation with the Ballybane Community Library and a local artist, CURAM initiated a brilliant SLE combining the creation of mosaics and the investigation of the human brain!
Join Scientix STEM Discovery Campaign 2024!
Scientix STEM Discovery Campaign 2024 invites educators, projects, organisations, libraries, schools, universities and all interested stakeholders across Europe and beyond to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of STEM. Submit your activity now!
SLEs Policy Dialogue Event: Bring research and innovation to school and beyond
The first SLEs Policy Dialogue event took place on the 24th of January 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels and represented an important milestone for the SLEs project, providing a space for interconnections, sharing and discussion between high level EU representatives and field practitioners.
Creating audiovisuals with AI: interview with education expert
In December 2023, Domus organised a co-creation workshop to discuss possible Ecologies to pilot in 2024. Read the interview from one of Domus’ stakeholders!
SL2E International Summer School 2024
Register to the SL2E International Summer School 2024 – providing insights into concepts, methods, practices, and policies regarding the intersection of STEAM Learning Ecologies, open schooling, living labs, and out-of-school science learning!
OStogether newsletter #17
Explore the SLEs Policy Event and the first Policy Brief! Read Open Schooling stories from Cyprus, the UK, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and beyond!
STEAM Learning Ecologies – Policy Dialogue Event in Brussels
On 24 January 2024, SLEs will hold a Policy Dialogue Event in Brussels. The event will bring together policymakers and experts to evaluate the recent policy initiatives on science education, discuss open schooling approaches, and validate our first Policy Brief!
The co-creation workshop in Norway: insights into the Customer Driven Project
Learn more about the co-creation workshop organised in Norway, and the idea to kick-start the Customer Driven Project course – a collaboration between academia and enterprises!
SLEs pilot project in Italy with ENEA and FAO
Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE) officially kick-off started the SLEs Pilot Project in Italy, and co-developed and implemented a learning pathway on environmental sustainability and active citizenship by involving different stakeholders.
Monitoring the butterflies’ ecosystem: interview with lead teacher
Have a look at the interview of the projects’ lead professor.
STEAM Learning Ecologies presented at the 16th ICERI Conference in Spain
The Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) participated in the ICERI Conference from November 13 to 15 2023 in Sevilla, Spain.
OStogether newsletter #16
Explore the new Road-STEAMer items, the Open Schooling Policy Brief, and Open Schooling stories shared from Malta, Germany, Greece, Poland!
The SLEs vision at ECOMONDO: Insights into the ‘Future Froof Skills’ Conference
We presented the SLEs vision and approach at ECOMONDO – within the “Future proof skills” Conference held in Rimini, Italy.
The first year of the STEAM Learning Ecologies Project – Laying Down the Foundation
The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) Project has made great strides in bringing open schooling to various audiences since its inception in January 2023.
Explore the co-creation workshop for Pedagogical Co-design in Cyprus
The University of Cyprus (UCY) organized the SLEs co-creation workshop (held virtually) to discuss effective pedagogical design in SLEs, underline the importance of learning resources, and present a prototype SLE.
EUN conducts its first SLEs Facilitation workshop for the pilot cycle
EUN held an online SLEs Pilot Facilitation workshop to provide participants a deeper understanding of open schooling and SLEs project.
OStogether newsletter #15
Discover recent open schooling stories from Greece, Spain, Israel! Learn more about the Make it Open Toolkit!
OStogether newsletter #14
Read the OSTogether Newsletter on new Open Schooling activities & stories shared from the ground in Sweden and Cyprus!
OStogether newsletter #13
Read the OSTogether Newsletter on evaluation by MOST, the policy event “Innovating European Education:”. Register to the SLEs first co-creation workshop!
Exploring STEAM Learning Ecologies: Highlights from the CONNECT Open Schooling Conference
The CICOS 2023 was very successful in spreading open schooling practices, enhancing education quality, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, and fostering global collaboration.
The co-creation workshop in Greece: brainstorming ideas for learning ecologies and potential challenges
On 11 July 2023, Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) organised the first SLEs co-creation workshop in Greece – held as part of the SALL Summer School 2023. Participants discussed ideas for creating Learning Ecologies, and challenges that could occur!
The first co-creation workshop in Italy: outcomes of the discussions
Learn more about the discussions of the first co-creation workshop in Italy – including the concept of open schooling and some examples in Italy, the STEAM approach and its implementation challenges, and co-design of new Learning Ecologies.
Read more about our first co-creation workshop in Italy!
On the 20th of June 2023, we will hold the first SLEs co-creation workshop in Italy (Rome) to discuss STEAM learning through the creation of local partnerships. You are encouraged to participate!
The SEER, SLEs and NBS Conduct a Workshop at The School Innovation Forum
The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies, together with other two projects on STE(A)M education, organised a workshop at the School Innovation Forum event
The Scientix TV Episode 11 is out!
Take a look at the 11th episode of Scientix TV – showing short videos of teachers participating in workshops in the Future Classroom Lab regarding a high variety of topics!
The SLEs Conducts an Online Workshop for the Careers Advisers Network
We conducted an online workshop for teachers as part of the Career Advisers Network: STEM Careers Network event at EUN!
The SLEs Conducts Workshops for Teachers at the Future Classroom Lab
Discover the workshops for teachers at the Future Classroom Lab at in the EUN office, where teachers designed open schooling environments!
OStogether newsletter #12
Read the OSTogether Newsletter on new Open Schooling projects & stories shared from the ground in Germany and Sweden. Explore the INCREASE-TRAIL Map & CICOS 2023 conference in Barcelona
The SLEs Organises a Focus Group Discussion with Ministries of Education
EUN held a workshop with several Ministries of Education to discuss existing open schooling policies, challenges, and opportunities!
STEAM learning Ecologies project kicks off
January saw the start of our STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLEs), a 3-year EU- funded (Horizon) initiative. The project partners met in Brussels to set an action plan.