Human brain and mosaics: the SLE Pilot in Ireland
In cooperation with the Ballybane Community Library and a local artist, CURAM initiated a brilliant SLE combining the creation of mosaics and the investigation of the human brain!
In cooperation with the Ballybane Community Library and a local artist, CURAM initiated a brilliant SLE combining the creation of mosaics and the investigation of the human brain!
Scientix STEM Discovery Campaign 2024 invites educators, projects, organisations, libraries, schools, universities and all interested stakeholders across Europe and beyond to celebrate careers and studies in the fields of STEM. Submit your activity now!
The first SLEs Policy Dialogue event took place on the 24th of January 2024 at the European Parliament in Brussels and represented an important milestone for the SLEs project, providing a space for interconnections, sharing and discussion between high level EU representatives and field practitioners.
In December 2023, Domus organised a co-creation workshop to discuss possible Ecologies to pilot in 2024. Read the interview from one of Domus’ stakeholders!
Register to the SL2E International Summer School 2024 – providing insights into concepts, methods, practices, and policies regarding the intersection of STEAM Learning Ecologies, open schooling, living labs, and out-of-school science learning!
Explore the SLEs Policy Event and the first Policy Brief! Read Open Schooling stories from Cyprus, the UK, Czech Republic, Switzerland, and beyond!
On 24 January 2024, SLEs will hold a Policy Dialogue Event in Brussels. The event will bring together policymakers and experts to evaluate the recent policy initiatives on science education, discuss open schooling approaches, and validate our first Policy Brief!
The Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE) participated in the ICERI Conference from November 13 to 15 2023 in Sevilla, Spain.
Explore the new Road-STEAMer items, the Open Schooling Policy Brief, and Open Schooling stories shared from Malta, Germany, Greece, Poland!
The STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) Project has made great strides in bringing open schooling to various audiences since its inception in January 2023.
“Funded by the European Union’s Horizon programme under grant agreement No 101094648. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
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