The Toolkit from the Romanian SLEs Pilot ‘STEAMing Up with Nature’s Wonders’

The Pilot STE(A)M Learning Ecology (SLE) in Romania ‘STEAMing Up with Nature’s Wonders’  aimed to raise awareness of the importance of natural habitats for students aged 6 to 7 years old through dedicated activities in collaboration with the Buila Vanturarita National Park. During the implementation of this SLEs, they produced a very interesting toolkit for educators (formal and non-formal) working with pupils aged 6 to 8 years old. It provides a set of ready-to-use learning resources. 

Explore two different modules on:

  • Module 1: Exploring and sensing the wonders of the natural world, which expands the students’ understanding of nature by proposing engaging activities
  • Module 2: Creating the natural world, which applies gained knowledge to real-world observations in nature.


Do you want to know more and propose similar activities to your pupils?

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